Sequence for Strengthening the Aura & Nervous System


The aura (8th chakra) is the circumvent field or force that surrounds all the other chakras. It protects a person from negative influences and projects our true nature into the world. When our aura is weak, we are vulnerable to everything around us — diseases, negative attitudes, emotions — and feel sickly. A strong aura filters negative influences and allows us to live vibrantly and feel happy and healthy.  

This is a great kriya for keeping disease away and developing your aura!

Part I: Kriya for Strengthening the Aura

When the [aura] is strong, and the other chakras are aligned and functioning well, your presence alone seems to work and direct many of the forces in the universe to effortlessly fulfill your desires and needs.

1. Triangle Pose (Down Dog) with leg extended. Start on your hands and knees. From this position, lift the hips so that the body forms a triangle. Raise the right leg up with the knee straight so your spine and extended leg form a line. Exhale—bend the elbows and bring the head forward and down toward the ground. Inhale—lift up. Continue this triangle push-up for 90 seconds. Switch legs and continue for another 90 seconds.

2. Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the left arm forward, parallel to the ground with the palm facing to the right. Bring the right arm, with the palm facing down, beneath the left wrist. From this position, drop the thumb side of the hand down and turn the right hand so that the palm faces the back of the left hand. With both palms facing the right, lock the fingers of the right hand down over the left and the fingers of the left hand down over the right. Inhale—raise the arms to 60°. Exhale—bring the arms down to the starting point, extended parallel to the ground. Keep the elbows straight. Breathe deeply for 2 to 3 minutes. Then inhale—stretch the arms up and relax.

3. Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms forward, parallel to the ground with the palms facing each other about 6 inches apart. As you inhale, let the arms drop back and stretch toward each other. Exhale—bring them forward to the original position. This feels like a natural swing as the arms go back and down then snap back forward. The shoulders stay relaxed through the swing at about 8 swings per 10 seconds. Continue 3 minutes with a deep rhythmic breath.

Comments: This is a great kriya for keeping disease away and developing your aura. The time can be built up to 7½ minutes for each side in Exercise 1; and 15 minutes each for Exercises 2 and 3. This will create a tremendous sweat. It will rid you of almost any digestive problem. It gives strength to the arms and it extends the power of protection and projection in the personality.

Fern Langham